- Start in the Items > My Items screen.
- Be sure that you have installed the Vendio Handmade browser add-on.
- From your available inventory select the products you want to publish on Amazon
Handmade by putting check marks in the boxes to the left of the items. - Then click the "Actions" button, select “Send to” and then “Amazon Handmade”.
- This will load the Amazon Handmade page with the products you selected.
- Edit any of the product information available in the main grid (product info like images,
title, description, price, quantity, category, size/colors/customizations, or any category
specific attributes under the edit attributes menu). Note that some of the fields can be
edited for the entire list using the copy down functionality. The option to edit your
description in bulk using a find-replace algorithm is also available for your use. - You can either click "Save All" at the bottom of the page to save all items in bulk, or you
can click "Save Only" to the right of individual items to only save those items. - If you also want to publish the items to Amazon Handmade then use the "Save & Publish
Amazon Ready Items from this list" button to save and publish all of them, or use the
"Save & Publish" button to the right of an individual item to only save and publish that
item. Please note that prior to saving you also have the option of editing some of the
Amazon fields, such as price and quantity. - While the products are being launched on Amazon Handmade you will see a loading
bar. Please make sure you do not close your browser during the launching process as
this action will stop the process. - Once your products are successfully launched on Amazon Handmade you have the
ability to edit them and synchronize the changes on Amazon.
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