First you’ll need to make sure that your Vendio account is connected to your Etsy account. This can be done by going to Preferences (at the top right of most pages in your Vendio account). Then select Channels from the drop-down box. Scroll down to the Etsy section, click to connect to Etsy, and follow the steps.
Once you have linked your Vendio account to Etsy, you can import your existing Etsy items by going to Items → Import Items (in the menu across the top of most Vendio pages). Click the Etsy button and make your selections on how you would like to import the items. Then click the “Import my Etsy Inventory” button. You can check on the status of the import by going to Items → Import Items → then click the “View Import Status” button near the bottom left of the page.
After your Etsy items have imported you can find them under Items → My Items in the “Etsy-Imported” folder. Put check marks in the boxes to the left of the items that you want to send to Amazon Handmade (or just one check mark in the box at the top left to select all items on the page). Click the “Actions” button, and then select Send To → Amazon Handmade. Make any changes that you need to make to the items for Amazon, and then click the “Save & Publish Amazon Ready Items from this list” button near the bottom center of the page. You can also save and publish individual items using the buttons to the right of each item. Or you can just save items without publishing (using the button at the bottom for all items, or the buttons to the right for individual items).
To check on the status of the items you have sent to Amazon Handmade go to Channels → My Listings. By default, all Active listings for all channels are displayed. To view the listings with a different status, click the Status filter button and select a different status: Errored, Scheduled or Ended. To view the Amazon listings with the status that was selected in the previous filter, click the "Filter..." text and select "Channel" then select "Amazon" from the available options. If you also sell on the regular Amazon site, you’ll know the difference because those items will have the regular Amazon logo and your Amazon Handmade items will have the Amazon Handmade logo.
Please also take a look at our guide on how to publish your products to Amazon Handmade for more information.
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