Welcome to the Vendio Services Help Portal!

Here you'll find multiple ways to find the answer for a question or problem you may be having:

1. Search the Vendio Knowledge Base by typing your topic or question into the search box above. Our knowledge base will keep growing as we figure out what information you need.
2. Submit a Support Request Ticket - click on the mail image at right to submit a request ticket to our customer service team. We'll get a reply to you within 24 hours.
3. Engage one of our customer service representatives in a live chat - click on the dialog bubble icon at right to enter into the support chat. (Available only to qualified existing Vendio sellers).
4. Give us a call - click on the phone image at right to submit a request in the callback queue, or call our sales line at: 866-269-9549. (Callback queue available only to qualified existing Vendio sellers).

You can also send us an email directly at service@corp.vendio.com.

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